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Reqaq egg with cheese is a delightful and savory Middle Eastern dish that combines the crisp, delicate texture of reqaq with the rich flavors of eggs and cheese.

Reqaq, a traditional paper-thin flatbread, serves as the perfect canvas for this dish, offering a satisfying crunch when baked. The egg filling is seasoned and mixed with cheese, often including varieties like feta, mozzarella, or a local cheese, adding a creamy and slightly tangy flavor to the dish. This mixture is spread between layers of reqaq, which is then folded and baked until golden and crisp. The result is a beautifully layered creation where the thin, crispy bread contrasts wonderfully with the soft, cheesy egg filling.

Each bite offers a harmonious blend of textures and flavors—crisp and crunchy from the reqaq, with the warm, melty richness of the cheese and the savory depth of the egg. Often enjoyed for breakfast or as a hearty snack, reqaq egg with cheese is a testament to the delicious and comforting aspects of Middle Eastern cuisine, embodying both tradition and indulgence.

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Al Bait Al Najdi Popular Food L.L.C

Muwailah Commercials, University City,

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